We are 46% of the way through AEP! What a crazy time we are in. As mentioned last week, November is the month to share gratitude. Let’s kick start this week the right way and go over some updates, selling points and competition!
Medicare.gov DSNP RX
The MediBlue Dual Select HMO and MediBlue Dual Access PPO plans have $0 cost share on all tiers of prescriptions. You will notice on CMS.gov planfinder, DSNP Rx copays are not showing up as $0. This is a nuance with how the bids are filed under Value Based Insurance Design. Anthem is, in fact, at $0 copay for ALL Rx for both retail and mail order for both MediBlue Dual Select HMO and MediBlue Dual Access PPO. Due to nuances around VBID filing, CMS.gov planfinder will only show copays as filed in the bid and CMS.gov planfinder uses data directly from the bid filing, and are not able to capture the VBID nuances with this data.
Top 3 agents with the most sales from 11/1-11/30:
There is one spot left for the Anthem backpack!
First 3 agents to bring in 50 enrollments:
First 3 agents to bring in 75 enrollments:
One more month! If you sell a cumulative 5 or more Medicare Advantage applications for 11/1/21 and 12/1/21 effective dates, you will receive $500 for co-op during OEP. If you sell cumulative 10 or more Medicare Advantage applications for 11/1/21 and 12/1/21 effective dates, you will receive $1000 for co-op during OEP. Applications for Medicare Supplement will not count toward the cumulative sales. Keep on selling and let’s get you some co-op!
If you cannot get a code, you can submit application and send the award letter to Rebecca Palazzo. A few ways to get a code: mProducer, emailing medicaideligibility@anthem.com, or calling 844.274.6355. The portal does not always show Husky D members, if they qualify for QMB they will qualify for our DSNP plans. You can always submit the award letter to the carrier.
DSNP Validation phone number is 844.274.6355. You will need to enter the zip code when prompted to reach the correct State. Please enter the validation code to the enrollment application to process your applications.
Hours of operation:
Starting 10/15: 8:30am-9:00pm EST M-F 9:00am-5:30pm EST Sat
Thanksgiving Weekend Closed 11/25 Thurs
Open 11/26 Fri 9:00am-5:30pm EST
Open 11/27 Sat 11:00am-4:00pm EST
Week of 11/29 to 12/3 8:30am-11:00pm EST M-F
One more month! If you sell a cumulative 5 or more Medicare Advantage applications for 11/1/21 and 12/1/21 effective dates, you will receive $500 for co-op during OEP. If you sell cumulative 10 or more Medicare Advantage applications for 11/1/21 and 12/1/21 effective dates, you will receive $1000 for co-op during OEP. Applications for Medicare Supplement will not count toward the cumulative sales. Keep on selling and let’s get you some co-op!
Beginning immediately, please replace any previous version of the Anthem HRA form with the new one below. Don’t forget the exciting news that DSNP HRAs are now $100 each!
If you choose to use the fillable PDF please follow these instructions for submission:
Don't have a MedCareValue page yet?
Get Your FREE Site >Learn about the changes to the Disaster/Emergency SEP, key details on selling D-SNPs and more
Review your State-Level D-SNP Enrollment at a Glance Guides to learn more about limited special circumstances SEPs.
Reminder On 2024 Prescription Data Reporting | Annual Group Information Webtool Update | Small Group Healthy NY Application & Forms Updated
In this edition, you'll find Medicare training highlights, retention tips, a new version of the Cigna Healthcare Supplemental Benefits (CSB) Agent Guide, important updates on Medicare Advantage (MA) Special Election Periods (SEPs), a note on Star ratings, and more.
Change To Beneficiary Use Of The Disaster/Emergency SEP | Our Medicare Made Easy Guide
AOR protection for disaster relief, SEP selling opportunities and more!
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