This communication will provide information on the following topics we are sure you will find helpful as you continue to work with your clients:
Request for Information (RFI) status occurs when a submitted application is either incomplete or contains incorrect information. To avoid processing delays or application denial, please ensure you provide accurate and complete information.
You will be informed through email and text message if you have applications in RFI status. Please be on the look out for these notifications and act promptly to resolve. Important: RFIs must be resolved within 21 days of application receipt from the member, or the application will be denied.
The Request For Information Resource Page contains further instructions on how to resolve RFIs.
When submitting enrollment applications, please be sure to use the appropriate Broker Identifier. Do not use an Agency Identifier as this will impact commission processing and reporting. Please refer to the table below as a guide.
* Note: Wellcare by Fidelis Care does not accept paper applications. Electronically submitted applications should include the Wellcare By Fidelis Care unique broker identifier: FB + NPN (ex. FB123456).
Wellcare recently shared a 2022 CMS Star Ratings Communication and provided quick access to download rating sheets.
They are pleased to inform you the 2022 CMS Star Rating documents are available for download within CustomPoint. Please Note: Translations will be available in the coming weeks.
CustomPoint serves as your one-stop shop for accessing materials you need when meeting with beneficiaries. In addition, most materials are available in multiple languages!
The following materials, previously available on the Wellcare First Looks Digital Material site, are now available through CustomPoint:
Sales Presentations and Sales Videos are available in the Broker Resources section of
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Reminder On 2024 Prescription Data Reporting | Annual Group Information Webtool Update | Small Group Healthy NY Application & Forms Updated
In this edition, you'll find Medicare training highlights, retention tips, a new version of the Cigna Healthcare Supplemental Benefits (CSB) Agent Guide, important updates on Medicare Advantage (MA) Special Election Periods (SEPs), a note on Star ratings, and more.
Change To Beneficiary Use Of The Disaster/Emergency SEP | Our Medicare Made Easy Guide
AOR protection for disaster relief, SEP selling opportunities and more!
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